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Mind the Gap - Awakening with Stephanie Filardi

Aug 25, 2020

We are made of time and energy.

Creating and committing to healthy habits helps us manage our energy and speeds up the time it takes to manifest our burning desires!

Healthy habits help us stay the course. They support us being persistent (persistence is step 7 in the process of manifestation - Episode 56).

In this...

Aug 17, 2020

Persistence pays off on the path to manifesting your burning desires. It pays dividends too. :)

In today’s episode I speak about step 7, persistence!!!

As you embark on the plan to bring forth your burning desires (discussed in last week's episode) you begin to take action.

Some actions are effortless and give you...

Aug 10, 2020

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

One of the best pieces of advise I received from my mother at age 13 when I started my first business, “Save at least 10% of everything you earn”. I did exactly that and it has served me well in planning my life and navigating the many “pivots”. And still at times I have...

Aug 3, 2020

In this episode Stephanie shares Step 5 in the process of manifestation — play your brain.

Everything in existence started with a idea. In order to bring forth your burning desire (epic love, vibrant health, financial prosperity, fulfilling career, spiritual connection) you must invest time in nurturing the...